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Direct Mail

Direct mail is a bit of an underused asset, particularly in B2B. If used correctly, it can be a very effective tactic at all stages of the sales funnel, from the beginning up until late in the buying stage and then after the sale.

Campaign Stars considers where direct mail fits precisely into your multi-channel strategy. It may not be a 24/7, instantly updatable media, but it can be very effective for teasing a planned event like a seminar or webinar. It can deliver real physical value to your customer relationship by offering publications, books, and other assets that the recipient can keep and use over time. And unlike digital media, you can touch and feel it, which brings a tactile dimension to your brand that no other channel can offer.

Campaign Stars can manage every stage of direct mail campaign production, including:

bulletMailing lists.




We partner with the leaders in Direct Mail and gifting, including Sendoso and PFL.

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