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bullet43% of buyers want to see more video content.

bullet52% of marketing professionals name video as the type of content with the best ROI.

The statistics and sentiment surrounding video are not hype. It is an incredibly effective way to reach and engage your audience, deliver your message and brand, and provide something that is memorable long after its initial use.

Video comes in many forms; it’s not just about virality or entertainment. Campaign Stars uses video in short and long form to simplify complicated selling messages, to train, to educate, and to add value to every relationship. There are a number of categories in which we’ve delivered successful video assets for our clients:

bulletExplainer videos for product education and awareness.

bulletLong-form narrative commercials that lay out what a company stands for.

bulletVideo case studies where clients tell their success stories.

bulletWhiteboard animations that outline company strategies, product features, and sales approaches.


Find and engage the prospects that result in explosive growth.